Cleansing the Temple (1 Corinthians 3:16-17)

Rev. Bruce NorthRev. Bruce North, February 18, 2018
Part of the Lenten Series 2018 series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

The Temple is: (Purpose of NT Temple (of the Holy Spirit)
A dwelling place for God
A place for the Ark of the Covenant
A place for Sweet incense to be offered to Jehovah
A Place for burnt offerings (sacrifice)
A house of Prayer
A place of Worship
A place of Refuge (sanctuary) from accusation or attack
A storage place for weapons of warfare (armory)
Source: Naves Topical Bible for Pastors


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« When Lent Meets Valentines None Cleansing the Temple (part 2) 'Evicting the Enemy' »