Cleansing the Temple (part 2) 'Evicting the Enemy' (Nehemiah 13:1-9)

Rev. Bruce NorthRev. Bruce North, February 25, 2018
Part of the Lenten Series 2018 series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

How the Enemy Gets Entry into the Temple
1. Crisis / trauma
2. Complacency / vacancy
3. Covenants with the enemy
Lust, Fear, Anger (bitterness)
4. Command Deficit (absence of accountability to the Word and to Apostolic authority)
B. How the Enemy is Removed from the Temple
1. REVELATION the enemy is discovered.
2. GRIEVING – we genuinely don’t want the enemy there.
3. ACTION – following through with cleansing.
C. Action: Is it time to Clean House?
1. REMOVE (the enemy’s stuff)
2. RE-CONSECRATE (purify)
3. RESTORE (to its purpose)


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